Written by Renee Collins Cobb, M.Ed. and Warren Cobb, B.A.

Lexington, KY's Tiffaney Nesbeth says she is just a simple country girl trying to live the rockstar dream!
And she did just that at The 9th Annual Josie Music Awards on October 22, 2023 on the Grand Ole Opry Stage. The Josie Music Awards are the largest, most respected, revered award and prestigious events and association in the independent music industry. Their theme is "Chase Your Dreams - Be a Part of Something Big."

"What an unbelievable honor to stand in the winners circle on the Grand Ole Opry stage and accept The Josie Music Awards for my song, -'Beautiful Drug', the first song I ever wrote!"
- Tiffaney Nesbeth
Born and raised in the beautiful Bluegrass State of Kentucky, she has spent her professional life being a Registered Nurse and the mother of two amazing children. She served the community of Lexington, KY so incredibly well on the front line in hospitals and as a caregiver to others during the pandemic. During that time she also helped lift the spirits of musicians who were also challenged with the emotional toll of isolation and quarantine.
Photography By David H McRae

Tiffaney is an example of what it means when you plan your work and work your plan.
Along with her win for Song of the Year, she also was nominated in a total of FOUR Josie Music Awards categories, including nominations for her first self-titled EP - Tiffaney Nesbeth.
Mom...musician...nurse...Josie Music Award Winner
From her Debut EP, the song “Hope” is her second release. It's a love ballad about second chances and finding purpose within yourself and others.
Her roots are in classic rock, blues, classic country, and pop. She considers herself a country artist but she has always refused to be pigeonholed into one category, so you’ll hear hints of other genres throughout my music.

She had shared with me on a recent episode Overtones LIVE that she was nominated for four Josie Music Awards this year and that she was going to "manifest" the win of at least one - sending her to the circle of the Grand Ole Opry....and she did just that, with great style, class, grace and emotion about what the moment meant to her.

She hopes y’all enjoy her songs and also hopes to see you at an upcoming show!

Renee Collins Cobb, M.Ed. and Warren Cobb are Executive Producers of Overtones LIVE and Co-Owners of Listen Locally, LLC, as well as Executive Directors and Founders of Room 17 Productions, a non-profit 501c3 organization. We are also partners in Dreamland Entertainment Group and The Scribe TV Network.
www.overtoneslive.com www.dreamland.one www.room17productions.com www.listenlocally.com www.tstvnetwork.org YOUTUBE - Overtones LIVE Channel
