"Working in concert" to bring you the best this great state of Kentucky has to offer music fans.

Audio Podcast Archive
Past Shows
Please enjoy our archive of past Overtones LIVE shows.
Overtones LIVE Presents The Goodwin Brothers “Working In Concert” Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rick Potter
Lexington, KY's The Goodwin Brothers on Overtones LIVE "Working in Concert" at Tipsy Cow. Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rick Potter
Overtones LIVE "Working in Concert with Holly Forbes"
Overtones LIVE "Working in Concert with Holly Forbes" Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rick Potter
Overtones LIVE “Working In Concert” with Blair Crimmins and The Hookers
Overtones LIVE “Working In Concert” with Blair Crimmins and The Hookers. Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb
Overtones LIVE “Working in Concert” with Rachel Crowe
Rachel Crowe and The Beardos on Overtones LIVE from Tipsy Cow Bar in Georgetown, KY.
Hosted by Renee Cobb
Overtones LIVE “On the Roadt” with Zac Hart
Overtones LIVE “On the Roadt” with Zac Hart and Ben Wilson performing at NashHouse Southern Spoon & Saloon in Nashville, TN. Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb.
Overtones LIVE Working in Concert With Wicked Peace
Overtones LIVE Working in Concert With Wicked Peace hosted by Renee Collins Cobb.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Oliver Sayani”
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY presents Oliver Sayani "Working In Concert" Hosted by Renee Cobb and Vearnie Gray.
Overtones LIVE “Working in Concert” with Spooky Fox
Somerset, KY's APPY Award Winning - Spooky Fox appears on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon in a show Hosted by Renee Cobb and Vearnie Gray.
Overtones LIVE Working in Concert with Derrick Manley
Louisville, KY's Derrick Manley performs on Overtones LIVE LOUISVILLE at Zanzabar Hosted by Oliver Sayani.
WLXU Overtones LIVE & Goodwin Brothers Interview
Jonathan Goodwin, Chase Bush, Renee Cobb and Warren Cobb join WLXU's Mark Royse to talk about Overtones LIVE Presents The Goodwin Brothers "Working In Concert" LP/ CD / LIVE DVD Project in August 2022
Overtones LIVE Tribute to U.S. Veterans
Overtones LIVE Tribute to U.S. Veterans Hosted by Vearnie Gray at Austin City Saloon Corbin KY featuring Kentucky Musicians who are also U.S. Veterans - Charles Miracle, Adam Stewart, Austin Trevor, Mike Howard, and Pearlie Jenkins with Bonus Performances by Mike Howard and Ronn Crowder
Overtones LIVE Tommy Cate and The Wallace Sisters
In a special double header presentation of Overtones LIVE, Somerset, KY's Tommy Cate and Lexington, KY's The Wallace Sisters join musical forces for an evening of Gospel music at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY Hosted by Renee Cobb and Keith Greene
Overtones LIVE “An Evening With My Brother’s Keeper
Greater Cincinnati Area based band My Brother's Keeper come to Overtones LIVE at Tipsy Cow Bar Hosted by Renee Cobb and Kelly Caldwell.
Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb And Larry Frakes “An Evening with Eldon Huff”
Overtones LIVE at Tipsy Cow Bar in Georgetown KY recorded live at Tipsy Cow Bar Georgetown KY welcomes Nashville singer-songwriter Eldon Huff in his first appearance on the show. Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Larry Frakes.
Additional music by
Warren Cobb "Somewhere in Kentucky Instrumental"
Sydney Adams "Always Home to Me"
Mama Said String Band "Moontwinz"
Greg Austin "Somewhere in Kentucky"
The Goodwin Brothers "Barefoot Girl"
Sarah Beth Terry "Cryini' Allen"
Cole Chaney "Back to Kentucky"
Sound engineered by Andrew Hill and Eldon Huff.
Presented by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE Hosted by Oliver Sayani “An Evening With The Hill Figs” at Zanzabar
Louisville, KY's The Hill Figs come to Overtones LIVE LOUISVILLE at Zanzabar Hosted by Oliver Sayani.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening With D Boone Pittman & The Fugitives
Stamping Ground, KY's D Boone Pittman and The Fugitives come to Tipsy Cow Bar for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Ashley Tackett.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening w/ Hannah Wheeler Band”
Clay City, KY's Hannah Wheeler Band performs on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Vanessa Davis for the first time at Tipsy Cow Bar in Georgetown, KY
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Clark Kissick”
Owingsville, KY's Clark Kissick and Alden Oldfield perform on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY Hosted by Renee Cobb and Hannah Wheeler
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Kindred”
The Lexington Duo Kindred comes to Tipsy Cow Barn to present their new songs on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Oliver Sayani
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Wes Shipp”
Hosted by Jessica Blankenship and Jess Bowman at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KYHosted by Jessica Blankenship and Jess Bowman at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Aaron Boyd” Hosted by Renee Cobb and Casie Glover
Richmond, KY's Aaron Boyd performs on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Casie Glover at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Rags and Riches” Hosted by Renee Cobb and Vanessa Davis
Lexington, KY's Award Winning Rags and Riches joins Overtones LIVE in a special presentation at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY Hosted by Renee Cobb and Vanessa Davis
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Zac Hart” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Justin Riley
Overtones LIVE "An Evening with Zac Hart" Hosted by Renee Cobb and Justin Rileyen Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Phoebe White” Hosted by Renee Cobb
London, KY's Phoebe White brings her award winning yodeling skill to Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb.
Overtones LIVE At Tipsy Cow Bar “An Evening with Trippin Roots” Hosted By Renee Cobb
Versailles, KY's Trippin Roots comes to Overtones LIVE for an amazing 8th time as Lexington Music Awards Americana/Folk Act of the Year 2022. Recorded live at Tipsy Cow Bar. Sound recorded by Andrew Hill and Sound engineered by Nathan Pendleton. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Paul Groves” Hosted By Renee Cobb
Episode #125 Overtones LIVE “An Evening with ReOvertones LIVE "An Evening with Paul Groves" Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb at Tipsy Cow Bar in Georgetown, KY. Sound engineered by Andrew Hill and Garrick Howell. Recorded LIVE on February 24, 2022. Warren Cobb, Executive Producered Gilliam” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Larry Frakes
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Travis Napier” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Keith Greene
In our first show recorded LIVE at Austin City Saloon in Corbin, KY - Hyden, KY's Travis Napier is featured on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Keith Greene.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Cody Howard” Hosted by Renee Cobb and Tyler Smith
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Cody Howard” at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Cobb and Tyler Smith. Sound Recorded by Scott Gray. Sound Edited and Produced by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb and Renee Cobb. Recorded LIVE at Austin City Saloon Corbin, KY
Overtone LIVE “An Evening with Kindred & Oliver Sayani” Hosted By Renee Cobb
Overtones LIVE "An Evening with Kindred and Oliver Sayani in a special singer/songwriters round Hosted by Renee Cobb at Bluegrass Barrel House.
Overtones: Lexington Music Awards 2022 Preview Show
Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb Lexington Awards 2022 Lexington Music Awards Preview Show featuring nominees in the categories of Song of the Year and Album of the Year. Produced by Listen Locally in partnership with The Lexington Music Awards. Warren Cobb and Renee Collins Cobb, Executive Producers
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with DM & The 1601s” Hosted by Renee Cobb & Jason and Amy Bowman
Overtones LIVE episode #130. "An Evening with DM & The 1601s" Hosted by Renee Cobb & Jason and Amy Bowman of Morrill's Tavern. Recorded LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House. Sound recorded and engineered by Nick Harrison. Warren Cobb, Listen Locally, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE Hosted By Renee Cobb & Wes Shipp “An Evening with Billy Don Burns”
Overtones LIVE episode #129 at Bluegrass Barrel House Hosted by Renee Cobb & Wes Shipp "Talking About My Generation Edition" with Billy Don Burns. Sound recorded and engineered by Dwayne King, Studio 215. Film by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Hannah Wheeler”
Overtones LIVE episode # 128 at Bluegrass Barrel House Hosted By Jeff Farthing and Renee Cobb "An Evening with Hannah Wheeler. Sound recorded and engineered by Dwayne King. Sound Edited by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Brian Bacon” with Special Guest Justin Riley
Overtones LIVE episode #127 at Bluegrass Barrel House "An Evening with Brian Bacon" Hosted by Renee Cobb and Larry Frakes. Recorded LIVE on November 16, 2021. Music by Brian Bacon with special guest appearance by Eight Daze Sober's Justin Riley. Bek & The Starlight Revue and Mama Said String Band with introduction and theme song. "Our Town" by Mondtgomery Gentry and "Somewhere in Kentucky" performed by Warren Cobb and written by Greg Austin and Kenny Rice.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Clarke Sexton”
Episode #126 Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House featuring Paintsville, KY’s Clarke Sexton. Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Tanner Blevins. Sound recorded by Nick Harrison. Sound engineered by Dwayne King. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer. Recorded live at Bluegrass Barrel House on November 2, 2021.
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Reed Gilliam”
Episode #125 Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Reed Gilliam” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Larry Frakes
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Taylor Hernly”
Episode #124 Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rick Potter "An Evening With Taylor Hernly" at Bluegrass Barrel House. Sound engineered by Dwayne King. Audio Editing by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE “An Evening with Jordan King"
Episode #123 Overtones LIVE Hosted Renee Cobb and Colin Michael featuring Jordan King. Producer. Sound engineered by Garrick Howell, Mixed by Nathan Pendleton and Edited by Renee Cobb, LIsten Locally
Overtone LIVE “An Evening with Rhyan Sinclair And The South 65” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Whitney Adams
Episode #122 Overtone LIVE “An Evening with Rhyan Sinclair And The South 65” Hosted By Renee Cobb and Whitney Adams. Recorded at the Bluegrass Barrel House by Dwaryne King of Studio215. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House: Songwriters Showcase #4
Episode #121 Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Trish Torline "Songwriters Showcase #4" featuring Whitney and Ray Adams, Donovan Howard and Reed Fields. Sound Engineered by Dwayne King of Studio 215. Editing by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer. Recorded LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House, Richmond, KY on September 28, 2021.
Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House "An Evening with Wes Shipp"
Episode #120 Wes Shipp brings his music to the Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House stage hosted by Renee Cobb and Brianna Shea. Recorded LIVE on September 21, 2021. Sound engineered by Larry Todd and Nathan Pendleton. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House "An Evening with Sarah Beth Terry"
Episode #119 Nashville singer-songwriter and Irvine KY native Sarah Beth Terry takes the Bluegrass Barrel House stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Wakita Young.
Overtones LIVE at Bluegrass Barrel House "An Evening with Travis Napier"
Overtones LIVE #118: "Singing Between The Lines" Hosted by Renee Cobb and Donovan Howard at Bluegrass Barrel House in Richmond, KY featuring Travis Napier. Show recorded on September 7, 2021. Produced by Listen Locally in partnership with Bluegrass Barrel House. Sound engineered by Dwayne King of BBH and Mixed by Nathan Pendleton at Fatman Recording Studio. Audio editing by LIsten Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening With Evan Curran"
Episode #117 Trippin' Roots lead singer Evan Curran takes the Austin City Saloon stage in a special solo performance on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Colin Michael.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jenn Marie and Blackwater Station"
Episode #116 Jenn Marie and Blackwater Station on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Cobb and Chill Napier
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Six Shot Remedy”
Episode #115 Six Shot Remedy brings their music to Overtones LIVE with special guest host Josh Michael Bogard
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Eight Daze Sober”
Episode #114 London, KY based band Eight Daze Sober takes the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Reed Fields.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon Hosted By Renee Cobb and Becky Owens: Songwriters Showcase
Episode #113 On July 14th, 2021, Listen Locally and Counter Culture Productions presented three singer/songwriters - Daniel Cain, Logan Halstead and Reed Gilliam - appeared on Overtones LIVE and presented three of their amazing originals in a special edition of Overtones LIVE titled "Songwriters Showcase" Hosted By Renee Cobb and Becky Owens, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer. Sound engineered by Garrick Howell, Mixed by Nathan Pendleton and Edited by Renee Cobb, LIsten Locally
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Bandshee and Definitely Pinwheels”
Episode #112 Overtones LIVE Hosted By Renee Collins Cobb and Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson "An Evening with Bandshee and Definitely Pinwheels" Recorded LIVE at Austin City Saloon. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Nathan Pendleton, Fat Man Recording Studio. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Cole Chaney”
Episode #111 Cole Chaney is our guest on Overtones LIVE from Austin City Saloon with special guest host Rick Potter.
OVERTONES LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Josh Brown and The Hard Living Legends"
Episode #110 Josh Brown and The Hard Living Legends on Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Emily Jamison
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening With The Marble Creek Rangers"
Episode #109 Overtones LIVE “An Evening with The Marble Creek Rangers” Hosted by Renee Cobb and Anna Kline - Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Nathan Pendleton - Edited by Renee Collins Cobb. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Kiana & The Sun Kings and Unusual Heat"
Episode #108 Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Cobb and Romana Bereneth features Louisville, KY based bands Kiana & The Sun Kings and Unusual Heat
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Clarke Sexton"
Episode #107 Overtones LIVE "An Evening with Clarke Sexton" at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb, Kash Daniel and Sarah Beth Terry. Recorded LIVE on May 5, 2021. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Nathan Pendleton. Produced by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Josh Bogard and The Dirty South"
Episode #106 Josh Bogard and The Dirty South take the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted By Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Tony Logue"
Episode #105 Tony Logue takes the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Becky Owens.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Sarah Beth Terry”
Episode #104 Sara Beth Terry's electrifying performance on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon on April 7, 2021 Hosted by Renee Cobb and Whitney Adams.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Ivy Rye"
Episode #103: Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon featuring Ivy Rye recorded on March 31st, 2021. Hosted by Renee Collins and Tanner Blevins
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Shelby Lore"
Episode #102 Overtones LIVE An Evening with Shelby Lore at Austin City Saloon
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening With My Brothers Keeper"
Episode #101 Greater Cincinnati based band My Brother's Keeper take the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Justin Riley.
Overtones LIVE Episode 100 "An Evening With Mama Said String Band" Presented by Room 17 Productions
Episode #100 Overtones Hosted By Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe featuring "Mama Said String Band"
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Bedford Band"
Episode #99 Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Bedford Band"
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Matthew Douglas Simpson"
Episode #98 Featuring the amazing Matthew Douglas Simpson who hails from Cynthiana, KY.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Wicked Peace"
Episode #97 Lexington, KY's Wicked Peace take the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Colin Michael
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jamie Suttle"
Episode #96 Nashville singer-songwriter and Kentucky born Jamie Suttle takes the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Whitney Adams.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Walter Debarr"
Episode #95 Walter Debarr's electrifying performance on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon on February 3, 2021. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Best of Overtones LIVE 2020 Edition: From the Studio to the Stage
Episode #94 The Best of Overtones LIVE 2020 Edition tracks our progress in 2020 in our pivot from the studio to the stage and we are SO proud to present this one hour film inclusive of one performance from each contributor during this experiment in times of pandemic. Sound engineered by Chris Slater, Derek Lafountain and Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with A Little Bit More”
Episode #93: Kentucky duo A Little Bit More takes the Austin City Saloon stage for Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon: "An Evening with The Headliners"
Episode #92 Austin City Saloon Headliners Josh Bogard, Tyler Halsey, Chris Linton and Brad Hardin join musical forces for a special presentation of Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Sound editing by Renee Collins Cobb. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Pedestryans”
Episode #91 Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon “An Evening with Pedestryans” Lexington, KY's Pedestryans join us on Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe. Recorded on January 6, 2021 by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Audio editing by LIsten Locally. Original Airt Date January 19, 2021
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with George Molton"
Episode #90 Overtones Hosted By Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe "An Evening with George Molton" Recorded December 30, 2020 at Austin City Saloon, Lexington, KY.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Garrick Howell & John McHugh"
Episode #89 Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Garrick Howell & John McHugh" Podcast
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Magnolia Vale"
Episode #88. Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Magnolia Vale". Lebanon Kentucky's Magnolia Vale joins Overtones LIVE performing their originals and some crowd pleasing covers.
Overtones & Gray Matters Crossover Event Hosted By Renee Collins w/ Doug Flynn World Series Champion and Host of Kentucky Life
Episode #87. Overtones and Gray Matters Crossover Event Hosted By Renee Collins Episode with guest star Cincinnati Reds 2-time World Series Champion, UK Basketball Player, Musician and KET host- Doug Flynn- as we talk about how the disciplines of music and sports intersect in a unique way that teaches life lessons, Austin City Saloon Lexington, KY, his career and his life-long friendship with Lexington music/sports legend Greg Austin.
Overtones Gray Matters CrossOver Event Hosted By Renee Collins: "Maybe Someday, I'll Get It Right" With Guest Greg Austin
Episode #86: Overtones LIVE featuring an interview with Lexington Legend Greg Austin talking about Addiction, Recovery and Sobriety
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jory Bowling & Sydney Adams"
Episode #85: Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jory Bowling & Sydney Adams.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Trippin Roots"
Episode #84: Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe "An Evening with Trippin Roots" recorded LIVE at Austin City Saloon on November 11, 2020. Sound engineered and recorded by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Program produced by Listen Locally, Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Blue Foley and Russell Sutton"
Episode #83: Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Whitney Adams at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Blue Foley and Russell Sutton" recorded on November 4, 2020. Sound engineered by Chris Slater, Sound recorded by Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Katie Didit"
Episode #82: Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe "An Evening with Katie Didit" Recorded LIVE at Austin City Saloon on October 28, 2020. Sound engineered by Chris Slater. Sound recorded by Garrick Howell. Film by LIsten Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Bedford Band"
Episode #81 Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe LIVE at Austin City Saloon with guest artist- Morehead, KY's Bedford Band on October 21, 2020. Sound engineered by Chris Slater. Sound recorded by Garrick Howell, Jobu's Rum Recording Studio. Film by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Tyler Halsey"
Episode #80 Overtones LIVE Hosted by Renee Cobb at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Tyler Halsey" recorded on October 14, 2020. Featuring the music of Bek & The Starlight Revue, Mama Said String Band and Tyler Halsey. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally in partnership with Austin City Saloon
Best of Overtones LIVE 2020 Edition: "From the Studio to the Stage"
Episode #79 The Best of Overtones LIVE 2020 Edition tracks our progress in 2020 in our pivot from the studio to the stage and we are SO proud to present this one hour film inclusive of one performance from each contributor during this experiment in times of pandemic. Sound engineered by Chris Slater, Derek Lafountain and Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Cody Lee Meece"
Episode #78. Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Cody Lee Meece & The Catdaddies" recorded on October 7, 2020. Sound engineered by Chris Slater. Sound recorded by Garrick Howell, Jobu Rum Recording Studio. Film by Listen Locally in partnership with Austin City Saloon. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Rifletown"
Episode #77. Overtones Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Rifletown" Rifletown is from Winchester, KY. Sound Engineered by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally in Partnership with Austin City Saloon. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jenn Marie McDaniel and The Bruce"
Episode #76: Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Jenn Marie McDaniel and The Bruce. Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer. Recorded live before a studio audience on September 23, 2020. Sound engineered by Chris Slater and Garrick Howell. Film by Listen Locally.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Eight Daze Sober"
Episode #75: Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Eight Daze Sober Hosted by Renee Collins Cobb and Rachel Crowe. Recorded by Jobu Rum Studio on September 16, 2020 and Broadcast on September 22, 2010. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Kevin Dalton and The Tuesday Blooms"
Episode #74: Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon featured Somerset, KY's Kevin Dalton & The Tuesday Blooms. Recorded on September 9, 2020 and Produced by Listen Locally in association with Austin City Saloon.
Overtones LIVE at Austin City Saloon "An Evening with Greg Austin"
Episode #73: Overtones LIVE from Austin City Saloon Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe "An Evening with Greg Austin" performing with Warren Cobb recorded LIVE before a studio audience on September 2, 2020. Sound engineering by Jobu Rum Recording Studios. Film by Listen Locally.
"On The Road" Edition with Mama Said String Band
Episode #72: Overtones went on the road this week to record a show with Mama Said String Band 2.0 as they have a new look and a new sound with the addition of Louisville, KY's Taylor Shuck. This is a great 51 minutes that showcases eight of their original songs along with discussion of productivity during the pandemic and how each band member draws inspiration from each other as they embark on a new journey. Recording at Wave Garden Studio, Derek Lafountain, Owner, Photography by Warren Cobb and Film by Listen Locally in partnership with Room 17 Productions. Music by Bek And The Starlight Revue. Recorded July 23, 2020 in Henryville, IN
“Solo Break” featuring Jenn Marie Shouse, Taylor Shuck and Ellie Miller
Episode #71 Louisville musicians Jenn Marie Shouse, Taylor Shuck and Ellie Miller take a “Solo Break” from their regular musical life in bands and collaborations and share with us their solo singer/ songwriting performances. Produced by Listen Locally
"Singing Between The Lines" Edition featuring Tyler Montgomery, Collin Wallace and Jason Howard
Episode #70 "Singing Between The Lines" Edition welcomes Winchester, KY's Rifletown, who have a new CD titled "Rifletown" and this podcast features every track from the CD recorded at The Lexington Recording Company, Duane Lundy, Producer and the story behind each song told in the words of bandmembers Tyler Montgomery, Collin Wallace and Jason Howard. Produced by Listen Locally in partnership with Room 17 Productions, Renee Collins Cobb and Warren Cobb, Executive Directors.
“There She Is - Miss America” featuring Alex Franke, Heather French Henry
Episode #69 welcomes guests Miss Kentucky 2019 Alex Franke who will be competing for the MIss America 2020 Title December 19, 2019 AND we revisit our interview with Miss America 2000 Heather French Henry as we talk about music, the arts their social platforms of the arts and Veteran's issues as well as biases and misunderstandings about the Miss America Program and pageants in general. Original Broadcast Date: December 16, 2019 on Radiolex WLXU 93.9 LP FM
"COVID-19 Songwriters Showcase" Edition featuring Donovan Howard, Bek and The Starlight Revue, Mama Said String Band, Restless Leg String Band, Jory Bowling, Jonathon New, and Rachel Crowe Band
Episode #68. Donovan Howard takes over the microphone for Renee Collins Cobb for a very special presentation of Overtones: COVID-19 Songwriters Showcase Edition during a time of national quarentine - Overtones will come to your from different parts of the great state of Kentucky. Recorded from Donovan Howard's studio in Livingston KY - this show features new music from Donovan, along with the music of Bek and The Starlight Revue, Mama Said String Band, Restless Leg String Band, Jory Bowling, Jonathon New, and Rachel Crowe Band. Film by Listen Locally in partnership with Room 17 Productions
"Talk About My Generation" featuring Marty Charters, Smith Donaldson and Joslyn Hampton
Episode #67. Joslyn and The Sweet Compression band members Marty Charters, Smith Donaldson and Joslyn Hampton discuss how being a part of a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-generational band contributes to the overall success as a band and how the combination each of their unique identities play a key role in how this band continues to bring such great perspective to the audience it serves.
"What Music Does For The Soul" featuring Liam's Fancy members Dan Cummins, Beverly Buchanan, and Dave Hamon
Episode #66: "What Music Does For The Soul" featuring Georgetown, KY's Liam's Fancy, who specialize in the delivery of Irish traditional folk tunes - join us on Overtones to discuss "What Music Does For The Soul". Liam's Fancy bandmembers are Dan Cummins, Beverly Buchanan, and Dave Hamon.
"What Music Does For The Soul" Edition featuring Dean Phelps
Episode #65: "What Music Does For The Soul" Edition Singer/ Songwriter and Pastor Dean Phelps joins us to share his music as well as talk to us about the value and significance of communal singing and what music does for the soul. Produced by Room 17 Productions in partnership with Listen Locally, Renee Collins Cobb and Warren Cobb, Executive Producers.
"I Am A Room 17 Production" featuring Liza Binford, Gary Bertram, Warren Cobb, Renee Collins, Brent Larimore, Dean Phelps, Whit Whitaker, Joe Barnett, Gina Scaggs, Sharon Kinnison
Episode #64: I Am A Room 17 Production featuring all former music students of Dr. Sara Holroyd including Liza Binford, Gary Bertram, Warren Cobb, Renee Collins, Brent Larimore, Dean Phelps, Whit Whitaker, Joe Barnett, Gina Scaggs, Sharon Kinnison, The 1979 UK Choristers and the 2017 Sara Holroyd Singers.
"All That Jazz" featuring Paul Osborne, Palmer Tolly, Robert Trott, Warren Cobb
Episode #63: All That Jazz features members of The Osborne-Tolly Jazztet with Paul Osborne, Palmer Tolly, Robert Trott and Warren Cobb, all from Lexington, KY and familiar faces to the Kentucky music scene. Original Broadcast Date November 12, 2019
"It’s OK…I’m With The Band(s)" featuring Katie Didit, Derek LaFountain, Emily Miller, Brad Fowble
Episode #62: It’s OK…I’m With The Band(s) featuring Katie Didit, Derek LaFountain, Emily Miller, Brad Fowble join us to discuss musical life as being members of multiple bands at the same time.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Cara Coppola, Adrielle Stapleton
Episode #61 "Singing Between The Lines" guest starring Lexington, KY's Cara Coppola, Adrielle Stapleton and Jeremy Smith featuring the music of Bek & The Starlight Review, Montgomery Gentry, Joanna James, Mama Said String Band and Derek Spencer. Original Broadcast October 22, 2019. Produced By Renee Cobb and Warren Cobb of Listen Locally, LLC.
“Working In Concert” featuring Daniel Stroud, Rebecca Burnworth, Tyler Montgomery, John Howard, Austin Brashear, Reb Butler
Episode #60. “Working In Concert”
welcomes Kentucky venue owners who support live local music at their places of business- Daniel Stroud from Jarfly Brewing Co. in Somerset, Rebecca Burnworth from The Stave in Millville. Tyler Montgomery and John Howard from Abettor Brewing in Winchester, Austin Brashear from Austin City Saloon in Lexington, Reb Butler from Darlin Jeans in Midway and Whitney Adams from Lexington's The Twisted Cork. Original airdate October 8, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Kentucky High Times, Spooky Fox and Magnolia Vale with Billy Hill
Episode #59 Hosted by Renee Cobb and Rachel Crowe- Singing Between The Lines: The WarRenee Wedding Edition guest starring Kentucky High Times, Spooky Fox and Magnolia Vale with Billy Hill. Enjoy this amazing show which also features music by Bek & The Starlight Revue, Warren Cobb, Jory Bowling and Mama Said String Band.
"Fans of Americana Women" Edition featuring Rachel Crowe, Emily Jamison and Sydney Adams
Episode #58 Hosted By Renee Collins, Whitney Adams, Jo Marie, from Oklahoma Reviews and Jessica Blankenship from Kentucky Country Music featuring guests Rachel Crowe, Emily Jamison and Sydney Adams. Fans of Americana Women Edition which showcases the work of Jo Marie's Facebook Page that highlights the contributions of women all across the country in the Americana genre
"Music, Addiction and Recovery" featuring Greg Austin, Tyler Devall, Garrick Howell
Episode #57. Guest Host Jessica Bray from Kentucky Country Music joins Whitney Adams and Renee Collins to talk about a growing problem in the state of Kentucky in regards to opiod addiction and alcoholism. We welcome three of our local artists, Lexington's Greg Austin, Berea's Tyler Devall and Georgetown, KY's Garrick Howell- three amazing people who are in recovery at this time. We also feature the music of Warren Cobb, Bek and The Starlight Revue, Mama Said String Band and Donovan Howard. Original Broadcast Date: July 29, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio. Produced by Renee Collins and Warren Cobb, Executive Directors Room 17 Productions.
"Tribute To Harlan" Edition featuring Tyler Smith and The Stillrunners, Dakota Saylor, Cody Howard and Justin Taylor
Episode #56: Tribute To Harlan Edition, we welcome celebrity guest host Tyler Smith. Together we are all "working in concert to pay special homage and appreciation for the music from Harlan, KY featuring Tyler Smith And The Stillrunners, Dakota Saylor, Cody Howard and Justin Taylor. Featured music by Pikeville, KY's Bek and The Starlight Revue, Red Barn Radio and Louisville, KY's Mama Said String Band Original Broadcast on July 22, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Cody Morgan, Alicia Ferrere, Whiskey River
Episode #55: "Singing Between The Lines" Edition features Lexington, KY's Cody Morgan and Alicia Ferrere and Richmond, KY's duo Whiskey River. Featuring the music of Pikeville, KY's Bek & the Starlight Revue, Dixie Height, KY's Brother Smith and Louisville, KY's Mama Said String Band. Original Broadcast July 15, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM. Produced by Renee Collins and Warren Cobb.
"Tribute To Veterans" featuring Mary Darlene "Mary With The Green Hair", Micah Howard, Wynn Taylor, Sherwin Kidd, Brad Fowble, Adam Stewart and Michael Stallings
Episode #54: "Tribute To Veterans" Edition with guest celebrity host Veteran Mary Darlene "Mary With The Green Hair" featuring US Veterans Micah Howard, Wynn Taylor, Sherwin Kidd, Brad Fowble, Adam Stewart and Michael Stallings. Original Broadcast Date July8, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM
"Beard-ti-ful" Music Edition featuring Eric Bolander, Michael Tyree, Bob Shirley
Episode #53": Beard-ti-ful Music Edition features guest celebrity host Tom Hnatow as we welcome Lexington, KY's Eric Bolander and Michael Tyree, and Stamping Ground, KY's Bob Shirley and we talk about collaboration in music. Featured music by Pikeville, Ky's Bek And The Starlight Review, Louisville, KY's Mama Said String Band, and Lexington, KY's Warren Cobb and Kentucky Music Legend Greg Austin. Original Air Date July 1, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM
"Spur of the Moment" Songwriting" featuring Hunter Hayes, Lark Watts, Kyle Fields and Grits and Soul
Episode #52 featuring Hunter Hayes, Lark Watts, Kyle Fields and Grits and Soul! Join us for an hour and a half of great music and a discussion on "Spur of the Moment" Songwriting"
"The Amazing and Versatile Voice" featuring Vanessa Davis, David Napier, The University of Kentucky School of Music's AcoUstiKats
Episode #51 welcomes Lexington music teachers/ singers/ songwriters Vanessa Davis and David Napier and also The University of Kentucky School of Music's AcoUstiKats in a very special edition of Overtones that focuses on the instrument called "The Voice". Original Broadcast Date April 29, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio
Tribute To Teachers: "Faculty Meeting Edition" featuring Luna and The Mountain Jets, Laid Back Country Picker, Travis Kern with Daniel Lay, Wicked Peace with Jared Davis and Chris Shouse
Episode #50. Renee Collins and Rachel Crowe welcome Kentucky musicians who also serve the state as educators, in a Tribute To Teachers celebration for our 50th episode of Overtones: Faculty Meeting Edition guest starring Luna and The Mountain Jets, Laid Back Country Picker, Travis Kern with Daniel Lay, Wicked Peace with Jared Davis and Chris Shouse. Extra Bonus Feature: Interview with Kentucky educator and musician Eric Bolander. Music by Mama Said String Band, Chris and Jenn Shouse and Bek and the Starlight Revue. Original Broadcast Date April 8, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio.
"Tribute to The Men of The Bluegrass"
Episode #49. "Tribute to The Men of The Bluegrass" show. David Napier, Derek Spencer, Jory Bowling, John McHugh, Garrick Howell, Johnathan New, Adam Stewart, Ben Boggs, Tyler Smith, Warren Cobb, Eric Bolander, Michael Tyree, Dean Phelps, Tommy Cate, Cody Lee Meece, Travis Kern, Jeremy Short, Wynn Taylor, Marcus Wilkerson, Kevin Dalton, Laid Back Country Picker, Grayson Jenkins, Aaron Boyd, Greg Austin, Matthew Douglas Simpson, Will Solomon, Sean Whiting, Evan Curran. Original Broadcast Date of June 24, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio.
"Tribute To Eastern Kentucky" featuring Troy Burchett, Tony Mullins, Logan Hall and Bek and The Starlight Revue
Episode #48: Tribute to Eastern Kentucky, guest celebrity host Rachel Crow welcomes Troy Burchett, Tony Mullins, Logan Hall and Bek and The Starlight Revue
“Quite Literally” A Tribute to Louisville, KY featuring Quite Literally
Episode #47. Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins and Whitney Acke with guest celebrity host, Somerset, KY's Rachel Crowe joining us in a Tribute to Louisville, KY featuring Brad Fowble of Louisville's Quite Literally, Taylor Shuck, an instructor at The Louisville Folk School and Katie Didit and Derek LaFountain of Quite Literally and also hosts of Listen Locally's Open Mic Louisville. Original Broadcast March 25, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio.
"Tribute to Morehead, KY Edition" featuring The Woodsheep, Andy Brown, Craig McCarty and Ethan Wayne
Episode #46: Tribute to Morehead, KY Edition. Hosted by Renee Collins and Whitney Acke with guest stars The Woodsheep, Andy Brown, Craig McCarty and Ethan Wayne. Original Air Date March 18, 2019 on WLXU Lexington Community Radio
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Rachel Crowe, John Lovern, Brian Simmons, Garrick Howell, John McHugh
Episode #45 "Singing Between The Lines." welcomes Stanton, KY's Rachel Crowe, Richmond, KY's John Lovern, Somerset, KY's Brian Simmons, Georgetown, KY's Garrick Howell and Maysville/ Lexington, KY's John McHugh. Original Broadcast March 11, 2019 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM
"It's OK...I'm With The Band" featuring Rifletown, The Ox-Eyed Daisies, Jory Bowling, Joel Serdinis and Michael Stallings
Episode #44: "It's OK...I'm With The Band" Edition Renee Collins and Whitney Acke welcome guest celebrity host Rachel Crowe and guest stars Rifletown, The Ox-Eyed Daisies, Jory Bowling, Joel Serdinis and Michael Stallings as they bring Kentucky music to the Lexington Community Radio listeners. Original Broadcast Date: Februray 24, 2019 on WLXU 93.9FM
"Tribute to Somerset" featuring Jonathan New, Cody Lee Meece, Donovan Howard and Pearlie Jenkins
Episode #43: Tribute to Somerset, KY guest starring Jonathan New, Cody Lee Meece, Donovan Howard and Pearlie Jenkins.
"Beardtiful" Music featuring Ben Boggs, Adam Stewart, Matty Simpson, Tyler Smith
Overtones Episode #42 with some "Beardtiful" Music with guest stars Whitesburg, KY's Ben Boggs, Lexington, KY's Adam Stewart, Cynthiana, KY's Matty Simpson and Harlan, KY's Tyler Smith. Original Broadcast Date: January 14, 2019 on WLXU 93.9FM Lexington Community Radio.
"Merry and Bright" featuring Wallen and Phelps, Al, Alice and Ruth w/ Daxson Lewis, Kevin Dalton w/ Allysa Richardson and Mama Said String Band.
Episode #41 "Merry and Bright". Renee Collins and Whitney Acke welcome guest hosts Paulie Felice and Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson with Wallen and Phelps, Al, Alice and Ruth w/ Daxson Lewis, Kevin Dalton w/ Allysa Richardson and Mama Said String Band. Original Broadcast on December 24, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Tyler Smith, Abby Hamilton, Jordan King.
Overtones Episode #30: Singing Between The Lines Edition Hosted By Renee Collins and Whitney Acke, guest starring Harlan, KY's Tyler Smith, Wilmore, KY's Abby Hamilton and Middlesboro, KY's Jordan King.
"This is My Town" featuring Joanna James, Rifletown, Josh Pierce
Episode #29 Overtones welcomes guest host Kentucky Based Duo Joanna James and singer/songwriters Winchester, KY's Rifletown and Lexington, KY's Josh Pierce as they perform their original songs about the state of Kentucky and the cities and towns that make Kentucky such a special place to live. We also pay tribute to Troy Gentry on the one year anniversary of his passing. Original Broadcast Date September 10 on WLXU 93.9 Lexington Community Radio.
"Women of The Bluegrass" featuring Joslyn Hampton, Wolfenwife, Jennifer Shouse, Kat Spears, Rachel Crowe, Bek Smallwood, Amanda Turner, Gail Wynters, Mama Said String Band, Lissy Taylor, Martha Bassett, Vanessa Davis, Chelsea Nolan, Liza Binford, Joanna Oldfield, Jen Tackett, Taylor Hughes, Becki Alfrey, and Maggie Noelle.
Episode #28. Featuring a special multi-generational, multi-cultural and multi "genre-rational" show called "Women on the Bluegrass" starring Joslyn Hampton, Wolfenwife, Jennifer Shouse, Kat Spears, Rachel Crowe, Bek Smallwood, Amanda Turner, Gail Wynters, Mama Said String Band, Lissy Taylor, Martha Bassett, Vanessa Davis, Chelsea Nolan, Liza Binford, Joanna Oldfield, Jen Tackett, Taylor Hughes, Becki Alfrey, and Maggie Noelle.
"What Music Does For The Soul" featuring Trippin Roots, Dr. Jeff Johnson, Much Obliged.
Episode #27. Overtones Hosted By Renee Collins and Whitney Acke guest starring Versailles, KY's Trippin Roots, Lexington Singers Director Dr. Jeff Johnson, Lexington, KY's Much Obliged. Original Broadcast Date August 20, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9 FM
"Singing Between The Lines" features Chris and Jen Shouse, Johnathan New, Kenneth Meredith, Rachel Crowe, Coby Langham
Episode #26: "Singing Between The Lines". We welcome Irvine, KY's Chris and Jenn Shouse, Somerset, KY's Jonathan New and Kenneth Meredith, Stanton, KY's Rachel Crowe and Danville, KY's Coby Langham.
"Best of The UK School of Music" featuring Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Martha Bassett, Gary Bertram, Marcus Wilkerson, Tripp Bratton, Liza Binford, Warren Cobb, Dean Phelps, and The UK AcoUstiKats.
Episode #25 "Best of The UK School of Music" featuring Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Martha Bassett, Gary Bertram, Marcus Wilkerson, Tripp Bratton, Liza Binford, Warren Cobb, Dean Phelps, and The UK AcoUstiKats.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Joanna James, Brother Smith and Trippin Roots
Episode #24. Joanna James, Brother Smith and Trippin Roots on this very special edition of "Singing Between The Lines" Broadcast on July 30, 2018 on WLXU Lexington Community Radio
"Young Hearts" featuring Lissy Taylor, Robbie Humphries, Kat Spears.
Episode #23 "Young Hearts" Edition guest starring England's Lissy Taylor, Richmond, Kentucky's Robbie Humphries, and Lexington, KY and Berea College Alum Kat Spears. Original Broadcast Date July 16, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9FM. Warren Cobb, Executive Producer.
"Working In Concert" featuring Wes Smith, David Napier, Marcus Wilkerson, Bek Smallwood, Tim Smallwood
Episode #22. Co-hosted by Capture Kentucky's Jonathan Newsome and Brother Smith's Wes Smith, we welcome David Napier, Marcus Wilkerson, Bek Smallwood and Tim Smallwood to discuss life, music and careers.
"Talking About My Generation" featuring Joslyn Hampton, Marty Charters, Ray Adams, Chelsea Adams, Savannah Hash, Greg Austin, Grayson Jenkins.
Episode #21 Talking About My Generation Edition starring Joslyn Hampton and Marty Charters from Joslyn & The Sweet Compression, Ray Adams and his daughters, Chelsea Adams and Savannah Hash AND Greg Austin with Grayson Jenkins.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Luna and The Mountain Jets, Laid Back Country Picker, Mama Said String Band
Episode #20 Singing Between The LInes Edition featuring Luna and The Mountain Jets, Laid Back Country Picker and Mama Said String Band. Original Broadcast June 18, 2018 on WLXU 93.9FM Lexington Community Radio
"Young Hearts" featuring Wicked Peace, Phllip Lillelund, Cody Morgan, Wesley Taylor
Episode #19 Original Broadcast Date 6/11/18 starring Wicked Peace, Phllip Lillelund, Cody Morgan and Wesley Saylor. Hosted by Renee Collins and Whitney Acke and Broadcast on WLXU 93.9, Lexington Community Radio.
"RefLEXions" featuring Matthew Douglas Simpson, TA Clayton and The Soulminers, Ausin McDonald, Austin Macallister.
Episode #18 RefLEXions featuring Matthew Douglas Simpson, TA Clayton and The Soulminers, Ausin McDonald, Austin Macallister.
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Kris Bentley, Brandon Campbell, Kevin Dalton, Jen Tackett, Chelsea Nolan.
Episode #17. "Singing Between The Lines" featuring Kris Bentley, Brandon Campbell, Kevin Dalton, Jen Tackett, Chelsea Nolan.
"It's OK...I'm With The Band" featuring Brother Smith, Sean Whiting, Restless Leg String Band, Magnolia Boulevard
Episode #16 titled "It's OK...I'm With The Band" features Brother Smith, Sean Whiting, Restless Leg String Band and Magnolia Boulevard. Original Broadcast Air Date May 14, 2018 on WLXU 93.9 FM Lexington Community Radio.
The Best of The UK School of Music featuring The AcoUstiKats, Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Rob Rawlings, Gary Bertram, Tripp Bratton, Liza Binford, Warren Cobb, Dean Phelps
Episode #15: The Best of The University of Kentucky School of Music with The AcoUstiKats, Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Rob Rawlings, Gary Bertram, Tripp Bratton, Liza Binford, Warren Cobb, and Dean Phelps
"This Is My Town" featuring Wynn Taylor, Joanna James, Jory Bowling, Joel Sardenis, Leslie Curry and Lindsey Curry.
Episode #14 "This Is My Town" Edition Hosted by Renee Collins and Whitney Acke featuring guest stars Wynn Taylor, Joanna James, Jory Bowling, Joel Serdenis, Leslie Curry and Lindsey Curry. Original Broadcast Date April 23, 2018 WLXU 93.9 FM Lexington Community Radio
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Bek and The Starlight Revue, Donnie Bowling, Aaron Boyd, and The UK AcoUstiKats
Episode #13: "Singing Between the Lines" featuring Bek and The Starlight Revue, Donnie Bowling, Aaron Boyd, and The UK AcoUstiKats
"Talking About My Generation" featuring Daniel Phelps, Chelsea Adams, Ray Adams, Gail Wynters, Tripp Bratton, John Clark, Mary Clark
In Episode #12 of Overtones: Talking About My Generation Edition, Whitney Adams and Renee Collins welcome Daniel Phelps, Chelsea Adams, Ray Adams, Gail Wynters, Tripp Bratton, John Clark and Mary Clark as these Parent/Child Musical Dream Teams perform for us and discuss the role of music in their familly lives!
"RefLEXions" featuring Vanessa Davis, Becki Alfrey, Joanna James, Marcus Wilkerson, Travis Kern
Episode #11. "RefLEXions" featuring Vanessa Davis, Becki Alfrey, Joanna James, Marcus Wilkerson, Travis Kern
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Mary Clark, Michael Tyree, Eric Bolander, Donnie Bowling, Coleman Saunders, Aj Madden
Episode #10 of Overtones Hosted By Renee Collins: Singing Between The Lines featured Lexington Community Radio Program Director Mary Clark, and Lexington Singer/Songwriters Michael Tyree, Eric Bolander, Donnie Bowling, Coleman Saunders and Aj Madden. Co-hosted by Whitney Acke and Produced by Warren Cobb. Photography By Warren Cobb. Original Broadcast Air Date March 26, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9 FM
"Faculty Meeting" featuring Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Vanessa Davis, Paulie Felice, Rob Rawlings, Livia Faith
Episode #9. Overtones: Faculty Meeting features the best in music educators in the city of Lexington and the state of Kentucky and for this show, we welcomed Dr. Kevin Holm-Hudson, Vanessa Davis, Paulie Felice, Rob Rawlings and one of Vanessa's students NBC The Voice Contestant, Livia Faith. It was one fun ride with lots of performances, lots of fun conversation and a lesson on motivic parallelism from the Professor. Original Broadcast Air Date March 19, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9 FM
"I Am A Room 17 Production" featuring Dean Phelps, Liza Binford, Martha Bassett, Warren Cobb, Gary Bertram
Episode #8. In this tribute to UK Professor Emeritus Sara Holroyd, we have some of her former students in the studio of Overtones to pay homage to a great music educator. Dean Phelps, Liza Binford, Martha Bassett, Warren Cobb and Gary Bertram perform and contribute their amazing stories to this show filled with music, fun, friends and a lot of love for our wonderful teacher, Sara Holroyd
"Singing Between The Lines" featuring Brother Smith, Trippin Roots, Joanna James
Episode #7. On Overtones: Singing Between The Lines, we talked with three incredibly talented acts from the great state of Kentucky as Brother Smith, Trippin Roots and Joanna James all turned in stellar performances of originals and they spoke to us about the background of their most insightful, introspective songs. Whitney Acke joined me in hosting duties as this very special episode aired on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9 FM Original Broadcast Date March 5, 2018
"Working In Concert" featuring Kevin Dalton, Tommy Cate, Jen Tackett, Matthew Douglas Simpson, Ray Adams, Whitney Acke
Episode #6. Guest starring Kevin Dalton, Tommy Cate, Jen Tackett, Matthew Douglas Simpson, Ray Adams and Whitney Adams
"Singing Between The Lines" Featuring Tyler Devall, Grayson Jenkins, Taylor Hughes, Joanna James, Paulie Felice
Episode #5. Guest starring Tyler Devall, Grayson Jenkins, Taylor Hughes, Joanna James and Paulie Felice
Valentine's Day Edition featuring Daniel Phelps, Jeremy Short, Travis Kern, Brett Higgins
Episode #4. On the Valentine's Edition of Overtones Hosted by Renee Collins, we kick off the love fest with an opening ceremonial performance by Lexington Guitarist Daniel Phelps who is in the studio to set the stage for performances by Overtones guests Jeremy Short, Travis Kern and Brett Higgins. Whitney Acke is in the studio as co-host for this Valentine's Special full of love and fun with some of the finest musicians in the Lexington KY area. Brother Smith gets it all started with their hit song "Happy Tune" Original Broadcast Date: February 12, 2018
"This is my town" featuring Mike Mankel, Joanna James, A Little Bit More, Whitney Acke, Ray Adams.
Episode 3 of Overtones featured Mike Mankel of Lexington's Bourbon Barrel Guitar Company and three Dynamic Duos- Joanna James, A Little Bit More and Whitney Acke and Ray Adams. We talk about the Lexington Music Awards and The Twisted Cork's Open Mic Night. In addition, we introduce a new feature called "This is My Town" featuring songs about places in Kentucky and the story behind the song. Original Broadcast Date was February 5, 2018 on Lexington Community Radio WLXU 93.9 LP FM.
2018 Lexington Music Awards Recap with David Mclean, Whitney Acke, Ryan Allen, Gregg Erwin, Matt Wickstrom, Vanessa Davis
In Episode 2 of Overtones Hosted By Renee Collins, we talk Lexington Music Awards with organizer David McLean, and in the studio we have Triple Lexington Music Award winner Whitney Acke, Best Rock Act winner Magnolia Boulevard with Ryan Allen and Gregg Erwin, Wick's Picks Matt Wickstrom and double nominee Vanessa Davis performing three of her original songs. We also feature music from Best Pop Act winner Brother Smith and Best Strings Performer Raymond McLain and The McLain Family Band.
Ruth McLain, Chelsea Nolan, Whitney Acke, Ray Adams, Daniel Phelps
Episode #1. In the premiere of Overtones Hosted By Renee Collins, I have guests Ruth McLain of The McLain Family Band, Chelsea Nolan, Whitney Acke and Ray Adams and Daniel Phelps to discuss the upcoming Lexington Music Awards, Songwriters in the Round at The Twisted Cork and MORE. Tune in for a delightful hour of interview and performances by musicians from the great city of Lexington, KY!